There are a couple of reasons why most people fail in their attempt to gain more muscle mass: A. Improper diet. Most people are not eating enough protein and eating too many simple carbs. They are not stressing their muscles during each workout. You don't have to kill yourself, but you must subject your body to out of the ordinary stress each workout to grow muscle. B. They lack consistency. They do not stay focused throughout the entire period. If they don't see results immediately, they get discouraged and quit. You have got to stick with your plan. No program will work for you if you are not consistent. To get results, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes, and work as hard as necessary and you have to be consistent . Your body responds to consistency. Sometimes it may get to the point of obsession, but it has to be that way for you to reach your goal. Here's some basic information and things you should be doing...