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Natural Ways To Lower Cholesterol

High cholesterol levels can greatly increase the risk of heart disease including potentially fatal heart attacks. Heart disease can be caused by a number of factors but lowering cholesterol can have many positive effects and reduce risk. High cholesterol causes hardening of the arteries. Blood flow is then reduced to the heart which may result in chest pains or a heart attack. Lowering the possible causes of hardening or blocking the arteries will help maintain a healthy heart.

For severely high cholesterol it is recommended to seek consultation with a physician for the best course of treatment. Traditionally, this is treated with prescription medication. However, the majority of people can lower cholesterol naturally without the use of prescription drugs. Natural remedies are abundantly available. With a few changes in eating habits and lifestyle, one can easily lower cholesterol.

Eating foods that are low in fat will help as well as avoiding those with high fat content, especially foods containing trans-fat. Spreads such as butter and margarine have high levels of trans-fat. Packaged foods and frozen foods generally contain high levels also. Potato chips, crackers, baked goods and fast foods are all types to avoid. Instead concentrate on foods that are low in fat and high in fiber. Foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, and garlic are great to use in your daily diet. 

Lifestyle changes are important if you are not leading a fairly healthy life. Smoking can increase the chances of having high cholesterol. Quitting not only will help this but will also reduce several other medical risks. Regular exercise will help promote a healthy heart. Partake in some form of aerobic exercise several times each week.

Vitamin E may help reduce fatty formations on arteries. Artichoke leaf extract helps produce bile while assisting in eliminating cholesterol from the body. Chromium is a proven method of maintaining correct blood sugar levels, which will help control cholesterol. Niacin in high doses has shown benefits for reducing cholesterol. However, if taking other medications, consult a physician as niacin can react adversely to other medications.

High cholesterol is a condition that affects many people throughout the world. It can increase chances of heart disease and potentially shorten life. Lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, eating healthy and exercising can reduce these risks significantly. Adding supplements can also help reduce cholesterol levels. Although the risks of high cholesterol are serious, it is easily controlled.


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